Wednesday, December 5, 2012

To Cap a level 8 NPC: Warriors Only

Some people like to use archer rainbows for level 8 NPCs, but I prefer warriors. A good friend of mine, who is a pro at this game, in game name Pirate, said something like: “I would rather lose 30k warriors than 1k archers.” This is because warriors are cheap in terms of resources and can be cooked really fast. Most of your losses will be as a result of the 5600 traps in the NPC. Once you knock those down, you only need to send small warrior waves - but make sure you do this fairly frequently, so that the NPC doesn't recover its traps too quickly.

What you need (at least):
  • Level 9 feasting hall
  • Level 9 rally spot
  • Your best attack hero (the higher the level/attack, the better)
  • 8/9 other heroes (any level/attack)
  • Around 200k warriors (less is possible, but it is dangerous)

1st wave: Use war ensign 90k+ warriors with your best hero (expect about 10k-50k warrior losses)
Leave some time in between (perhaps about 15 seconds)
2nd wave 20k warriors
3rd wave 20k warriors
4th wave 10k warriors
5th wave 10k warriors
6th wave 10k warriors
7th wave 10k warriors
8th wave 10k warriors

As soon as they return send them out again.

9th wave 40k warriors
10th wave 20k warriors
12th wave 20k warriors
13th wave 10k warriors (and so on...)

After sending them out 2 more rounds, the NPC should be yours.

Total losses: Around 20k-40k warriors (after healing, depending on your heroes and honor)

Note: If you are impatient like me and if you want the NPC faster, you can send cavalry. However, expect to lose some cavalries because the NPC's abatis will hurt them.


  1. Excellent guide with accurate losses. Well done.

    1. I tried it but very unaccurate results. I lost every single troop sent.

    2. If you send 100k warriors to an NPC lvl 8 with okay techs and maybe a higher level hero, you should not lose everything.

    3. MT: 8, IW:8, MED: 7
      WarHorn and Pen Equip
      lvl 47 breaker hero
      90k warriors
      and I lost 60k warriors on the first wave alone, this is not a very accurate guide it seems... I lost a lot more than you said I would.

    4. ^^continuation of comment above:
      I did this with 550k warriors, and ended up losing a total of(after healing): 85k

    5. Thanks for the data, anonymous. I will edit the losses.

    6. Although, if your honor is low, you should have healed a lot more than 5k warriors from the total 90k warriors you lost.

  2. What were your tech levels when you did this please - MT - MED - IW?

    1. MT 10, MED 10, IW 10. However anything above 7 should work well.

    2. What about hero levels/attack??

    3. Highest level and highest attack, of course for the first wave. You can use the worst of heroes and it should work with about 60k losses. With better heroes, you will only lose 10k. Level 8s are soft.

  3. How much different will the attack be if the lvl8 is 3.2 miles away?
    There doesn't seem to be any flats around me to be able to build a lvl8 closer to main city :(

    1. Just even out your attacks by time. You will lose some more but it will still work. So if it takes, for example, 10 minutes to attack it, don't send, for example, 5 attacks all at once. Send them every 2 minutes.

    2. Cheers for the info man!
      I took it at 3.2miles in 1hr20mins with warriors and 4 or 5 waves of cavs, only lost about 50k warriors and 10k cavs
      51 attacks in total

  4. I currently have 260K warriors, and with my farming waves I have found that compass makes a bit of a difference. what kind of losses will I expect if I try
    First attacks
    Wave 1 - 90K warrior
    Wave 2 - 30K warrior
    Wave 3 - 20K warrior
    Wave 4 - 10K warrior
    Wave 5 - 10K warrior
    Wave 6 - 10K warrior
    Wave 7 - 10K warrior
    Wave 8 - 10K warrior
    Wave 9 - 10K warrior

    Until Conquered
    Wave 1 - 30K warrior
    Wave 2 - 20K warrior
    Wave 3-9 - 10K warrior

    with 10 MT - 10 IW - 5 cmp - 6 med

    1. Sorry for the late answer, you would be better off sending 8 initial waves rather than 9 so your spearhead wave (first wave) loses less troops

      So first attacks:
      Wave 1 - 100K warrior
      Wave 2 - 30K warrior
      Wave 3 - 20K warrior
      Wave 4 - 10K warrior
      Wave 5 - 10K warrior
      Wave 6 - 10K warrior
      Wave 7 - 10K warrior
      Wave 8 - 10K warrior

      Until Conquered
      Wave 1 - 30K warrior
      Wave 2 - 20K warrior
      Wave 3-9 - 10K warrior

      with 10 MT - 10 IW - 5 cmp - 6 med

  5. Do this guide for for Age 1 as well as your sub heading tells us that it's the best resource for evony age 2

    1. I will think about it for the near future :) However I do not have enough experience in age 1 to write a guide.

    2. I see it as that in Age 1 (The age I mainly play) this is still pretty close to the same with only changes being because of starring. What I suggest is archer rainbows for capping npc 8s and higher. Now, normally on age 1 you should only cap level 10s because there is no real benefit of npcs 8. The reason you cap an 8 or 9 in Age 2 is because of the quests, at least for me. Now if you want to cap a 8 just for some field experience to prepare for a 10 then go ahead. My suggestion is (if with just warriors) the same as he listed but maybe first wave with 105k warriors (use the ensign) or if you want to use a script make it a rally 10 and bump that up to 125k warriors. That will compensate big time for the difference in starring and hero level. The waves after can be what he has. If you are going to do an archer rainbow then:

      Archers: 80k
      Warriors: 18k
      Scouts: 250
      Swords: 250
      Pikes: 250
      Worker: 250

      That adds to 100k. You can change your rainbow to what you want but try to stay close to that archer amount.

  6. i never tried this, but im sure its gonna work. i need my queen and this guide may help.

  7. if i have two cities both right next to the level 8 city i wish to conqure, would it be in my best intrest to attack with both cities to lower the loyalty of the city more quickly?

    1. Yes it would be better to hit with more loyalty waves.

    2. Thank you! This was perfect. Now how do I take a level 10? One person said I need 100,000 ballista along with 200,000 archers and 200,000 warriors plus 100,000 scouts, All techs at level 10 and a hero with attack of 182 or higher. This would take quite awhile to accomplish before I could ever try to take a 10. If you have any advice I would appreciate it. Thanks!

    3. 100-150k archers and 300k Warriors and 1k scout/swd/pike/workers........250+ attack hero and 9 hero's with 100+ attack.

      This is how to take a lvl 10.
      For more guides, take a look at the home page:

    5. I once took a 10 with one city and 8 heros. I used 100k archers and 400k warriors. Plus, a normal rainbow of scouts, swords, and pikes. Took about 35-45 minutes. Losses were about 200k warriors 25k archers and most of scouts,swords, and pikes. wasn't so bad of losses in my opinion because I got a queen out of it and some good heroes and a nice base of operations.

  8. it took me 11minutes whit only warriors.
    guide worked perfect

  9. Thank you so much I had WAYYY too many warriors and I needed to get rid of them haha. This is a fantastic guide and I really appreciate you posting this! Thanks again.

  10. Great guide, capped my 8 and 10 today on Na54 Age 2 Server... thanks to this guide I got my queen within first 2 weeks of server. :)

  11. would this still work with a lvl 44 hero att 119, MC 5, MT 10, IW 6, MS 7?

  12. what are the lowest techs possible to break a lvl 8 npc?

    1. So long as you can spit out 100k warriors, you will break the lvl 8 npc, regardless of your techs. Of course, you will experience more losses but it will still work.

  13. great guide, helped a lot

  14. good worked great and got some medals to!!!

  15. Thank you for this great tutorial, I even put it on my website

    1. Thanks for recommending this! I would highly appreciate it if you could add the link to this website on the post so that they know the source.

  16. Thank you, it worked great..... it took me a little more than 10 min to capture it. I used 3 cities to attack it....

    1. I'm glad it worked out for you! Be sure to check the NPC 10 guide whenever you're ready. About how many warriors did you lose in the process with what hero?

    2. I lost total about 35k wars.

  17. is this guide still relevant? i am thinking of using it tomorrow

  18. never mind. I worked great. 22k loss was all. thanks


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